Panasonic LZ40 Service Manual
Browse the table of content or download the service manual for the Panasonic LZ40 below. This manual is intended for technicians in service centers and contains technical details on the camera that are not available in the user manual.
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If you prefer a printed, hardcopy version of the Panasonic LZ40 service manual, copies can sometimes be found online. You can check the availability on amazon and ebay via the buttons below.
What does the Service Manual contain?
A service manual is essentially a Service and Repair Guide that is intended for use by support and maintenance personnel. This booklet provides detailed information on different components of the camera, such as parts lists and block diagrams. So, if you are interested in the inner workings of your Lumix or want to dissemble and repair your camera, this guide book will be very relevant and useful.
Moreover, the Service Manual provides instructions on how to access some hidden information on camera performance and operating errors. One can, for example, put the camera into service mode to see a list of error codes that reveal to the technician where the camera might have malfunctioned in the past, and the Service Manual decodes those entries. Even more interesting perhaps, the user can for many cameras obtain the shutter count, the number of times the camera has turned on, and the number of instances that the flash has fired by navigating to the respective menus.
Further reading
How does the Panasonic LZ40 stack up against available alternatives? You can compare your Lumix against another camera from Panasonic of a different brand by entering your choice in the search boxes below. Alternatively, you can use the listed links to directly jump to the respective comparisons.
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